Bray-Dunes, the ‘northernmost’
All are beautiful white sand beaches, punctuated by dune ridges, little fishing villages, promenade jetties and shorelines that seem to call out for you to walk along them.

Zuydcoote, the ‘wild’
The whole coastline is one giant playground for watersports, with land-sailing vehicles racing about on the sands, under a blue sky flecked with multi-coloured kitesurf sails.
Leffrinckoucke, the ‘natural’
Even though they’re side-by-side, these beaches are entirely different from each other.

Malo-les-Bains, the ‘resort’
Six different styles, six different experiences: live them your own way!
Petit-Fort-Philippe, the ‘family’ beach
Here is the nature and wide open spaces, here is the fresh sea air you’ve been dreaming of.

Grand-Fort-Philippe, the nature reserve
Now go ahead and enjoy it!